Valentine's Day has swung round quicker than a ray of light and in the true fashion of love The Artisan celebrated the day with enticing each of their customers to Paris. Read on for more information on the day of love.

On Valentine's Day, The Artisan opened their doors as usual at 7.30am. The baristas were wearing smiles and ready to serve the masses with delicious coffee, only this time the customers were able to step into old Paris.
The beautiful Parisian scene pixerstick came courtesy of
Pixer who design numerous designs for restaurants and bars as well as laptop
sleeves, desk veneers and more. The pixerstick was easy to apply, stuck like
glue and even easier to peel off when we were ready to come back to Southampton
again, we checked this little fact while we were applying our pixerstick, no
sweaty brows here trying to remove it.
The chef created some delicious sweet tweets for everyone to sample too. The Heart Shaped Shortbread which was dusted with sugar tasted delicious with our mid morning coffee plus it was only 55p. There was also the Sweet Pizza with toppings of Toffee, Chocolate & Strawberries for £2.95 a slice, now if that doesn't tempt you, we don't know what will!
We had a lot of love and fun throughout the day, it's nice to put a smile on someones face don't you think? Happy Valentine's Day!
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