13 February 2015

Happy New You // The Winner

On Monday the 19th of January we launched our first ever Happy New You competition. A large number of people entered both online & from our station in the Dock restaurant as both students & SU staff alike competed to win our amazing new prize.The prize consisted of a Free 6=six week gym membership or fitness classes, free food from the Dock up to the value of £25 and free health checks before, during & after the 6 week programme. So with our winner selected it was time to get started. This blog will act as a 6 week diary so we can see how our winner get's on. So remember to check back every week to monitor her progress.
Week One -
My first week of Happy New You project flew away. I really enjoy taking part in this project, because I feel that it’s a very good push to improve yourself here & there and to stay healthy & fit. I can’t say that my every day routine extremely changed, because I always try to eat healthy and to do physical exercises like playing tennis. Now I chose to go to the gym and I found it very relaxing after work, because I can leave all my tiredness there and the exercising is fulfilling me with new power and fresh thoughts. What considering the food, I really like what our Docks is offering. I am a vegetarian and I am very pleased that I can find delicious & healthy meals to suit my preference. Natural bar probably is my favourite one, because I love soups. Of course, not all the time I can choose my favourite one, but it’s possible to find a vegetarian option from the Bowl section too which is great. I am looking forward to the next 5 weeks and I have my little goal, which I hope to reach by the end of this project.

Week Two -
This week I was mainly eating from the BOWL section, because only on Thursday there was a soup at Natural which I like. But it’s not a problem, because everything else was delicious. Lunch is my one proper meal of the day, because sometimes after that I skip diner or eat something light.

Also, during this week I tried fitness classes. I did circuit and pilates. I really enjoyed circuit, because I like when you can feel every single piece of your body is working out. Pilates was good as well, but it is not my thing. I found it too calm for myself. I prefer to do more active psychical exercises.

Some people may think that I eat a good meal in Uni, but what happens in my plate outside no one knows. Well, all my meals are under control. As I said on my first week, I was and I am eating healthy food, because I love myself and I care about what I am putting in my mouth. I am taking part in this project not because of freebies, but because I really want to see how I can improve myself and how our University supports healthy living.

Week Three -
Above is Sofija's food diary for this week. She has also been drinking 2-3 litres of water a day, a cup of Coffee in the morning and 2 cups of Tea during the day. We caught up with Sofija this week for a short interview to see how she has been finding the project and if she's noticed any changes so far:

It's been 3 weeks now since you started, how are you feeling?
Great, I am thoroughly enjoying having a healthier routine and a change in my eating habits.

Have you had to make any major changes to your diet?
No, I have my time table to stick to which keeps me in a good routine and allows me to plan my meals.

Have you become more aware of what you are eating?
Yes definitely, I now go for the healthier options and think about what I'm eating more. I regularly eat at the Natural bar and enjoy all the different options they have there, from Soup, Jacket Potatoes to all the different Salad options.

Which outlets do you use in the Dock?
I mainly eat at Natural but I do also enjoy eating at the Bowl bar. As I am a Vegetarian I always have the Vegetarian options on Bowl, which suit my diet.

What activities are you now taking part in?
I take part in the Fitness classes here at Solent and I also use the Gym regularly. As well as this I also have a membership to use the Gym and have access to Swimming Pools and Tennis Courts. 

Do you feel better for it?
Yes definitely, I feel I am cleansing myself. Also I am now a size smaller in my jeans!!

Week Four -
Here are my lunches I had for this week. I did a Zumba fitness class and Circuit classes this week. I really enjoyed the Zumba classes but I couldn't walk properly after!

Week Five -
This week was not very good, because I am suffering from wisdom tooth pain and except lunches at work I didn't eat almost anything else. On Wednesday, I was at home and except from water and tea, I couldn't eat anything. Also, unfortunately, I didn't go to any fitness classes this week either. I hope to be back on track properly the next week and the last week of my adventure.

Week Six -
And here is the final report for my New You project:

I am happy to say that I am satisfied with the work I've done, My goal was not to lose an amount of kg, but to improve my body overall. I managed to do so, but there is no way to stop and I will continue to improve myself even more. This project broke a barrier between me and food overall, because I had a bad experience in losing weight a couple of years ago and it did leave some fears in me. But I am very glad that this project came in the right time and became a proper daily routine which I want to keep doing.

Another interesting thing is that after watching my healthy routine some of my colleagues decided to start a healthy lifestyle as well. This motivates me even more to know that I can help someone with my example.

The Final Interview -

What were your initial thoughts when you won the competition?
I was very happy to win this competition because I am working in Uni and to have lunch vouchers and the gym membership all at the same place was very beneficial. But the main benefit was that I received a big punch basically to start the New Year with a healthy lifestyle. 

Did you enjoy the 6 week programme?
I enjoyed every single day of the programme and I did not stop my adventure. First week was kind of adaptation to the new routine but later on I was already automatically going to work out after work and choosing a healthy meal during my lunch. 

What changes have you now made as a result of this?
Before the star of the programme I was eating maximum 3 times a day. But when I started I got an advice from the Health Advisor at Solent that to boost your metabolism and to achieve the good results, I had to eat 5 times a day, small portions. 

It sounded impossible for me and I did not know I could do it. But I managed to eat 4/5 times a day and I saw the result straight in the mirror. Healthy eating doesn’t mean you have to starve and eat only greens. You can have everything but in a small amounts and in the right time of the day. And when you eat small portions but often you are not feeling hungry and healthy eating is not becoming a trouble for you. 

Would you do it again?
Even that my programme finished I did not stop to follow it. But if I had a chance I would definitely repeat everything again. 

What advice would you give to next years winner? 
This is your fantastic chance to change your lifestyle for good. When you eat healthy, work out at least 2 times a week, you feel great and inspired. Use everyday to improve yourself and you will see rewards immediately.