24 February 2015

Just Tick It

Every week in The Dock we will be asking you a question relevant to the service we provide in the restaurant. All we ask you to do is Just Tick It.

Week One -
Would you like to see MEAT FREE MONDAY in the Dock?

YES: 28% NO: 72%

Which means... we won't rush into introducing MFM just yet but that doesn't mean it's off the agenda. Watch this space.

Week Two -
Would you like to see LIVE ENTERTAINMENT in the Dock?

YES: 92% NO: 8%

Which means... we are now working with RADIO SONAR to get them a regular spot in the restaurant and also looking into the possibility of hosting acoustic live music.

Week Three -
How do you like you Hash Browns?

BAKED: 53% FRIED: 47%

Which means you will now find baked Hash Browns on our BRUNCH bar all day - everyday. As it was so close we couldn't stop serving a fried option and you will find this on SWANKY FRANKS as part of the Butch Cassidy Burger or you can get 2 for 65p.

Week Four -
Which of the following theme days from BOWL have you enjoyed the most?

The results were pretty even and the feedback we have received suggests that rolling theme days on BOWL are a popular addition to the menu. Speaking of which, we have Swedish Chef Daniel Leidstedt delivering a taste of Sweden to the Dock on March 12.

Week Five -
Do you think we offer a wide and varied selection of VEGETARIAN options?

64% of you said no so we wanted to find out why.

We conducted surveys in both The Dock & online and here is what you had to say from those who took part in the survey:
  • 5% follow a Vegan diet
  • 10% follow a Vegetarian diet
  • 14% follow a Flexitarian diet
  • 73% said that their diet was important to them
  • 50% said they have sampled every outlet in the Dock

We then asked if across all of our catering services do we offer a good selection of food for you?

  • 43% said YES regarding Vegetarian options
  • 36% said YES regarding Vegan options
  • 66% said YES regarding Food Allergens
  • 57% said BOWL offered a good Vegetarian Menu
  • 38% said BOWL offered a good Vegan Menu
So what can we do to improve?

39% of you said we need to improve our sandwich offer.

We have introduced the spicy bean wrap and a falafel wrap as well as increasing our orders on other Vegetarian options which are available from Costa, Aspretto (Dock & Millais) and the C-Store.

All of your comments received regarding the hot food offers have been forwarded onto our Executive Chef who will be creating a new menu for the new term.

We have also created a Food Tasting Team (FTT) who meet once a month to sample and offer their opinions on new dishes and products that we are looking to introduce across our services. The first session took place this week and we found it incredibly useful.