2 March 2016

Fairtrade Fortnight 2016

As you might know, it is currently Fairtrade fortnight, a time to spread extra awareness of Fairtrade and their products. During the fortnight, thousands of businesses and people across the UK will be standing up for, and backing farmers by selling and buying Fairtrade. It promotes the products as well as highlighting the link between consumers and producers.

Fairtrade works to benefit small-scale farmers and workers, who are amongst the most marginalised groups globally, through trade rather than aid to enable them to maintain their livelihoods and reach their potential. Fairtrade supports farmers and workers in gaining more from trade and through this they are empowered to control their lives. It is an alternative approach that is based on partnership; one between those who grow our food and those that consume it.

Here at Solent University we are currently providing various Fairtrade products including Bananas, tea and coffee (aspretto) which can be found in Treats, Honest café & CStore and chocolate including Divine and Kit Kat. 

What's Happening this #FairtradeFortnight

We have a very special guest joining us and she is Francesca, a 25 year old who lives on a coffee farm with her family. She will be coming to the Dock on March 7th and there will be an opportunity for you to come and meet her and ask any questions regarding Fairtrade Fortnight and how it impacts her and her family. 

So pop that in your diary - Monday March 7th, 11am-2pm in the Dock.

If you can't make it that day but still want to ask Francesca a question, tweet us using the hashtag #AskFrancesca.

"Before you finish eating breakfast in the morning, you've depended on more than half of the world".

As part of Fairtrade Fortnight the numbers of Fairtrade breakfasts eaten across the UK during the fortnight are being counted. To coincide with Francesca's visit we will be taking part in this as well as hosting a range of other events including a special Treat Receipt promotion for the Dock.

Watch this space for more info or follow us on Twitter at @EatSolent
Fairtrade Fortnight runs from 29th February to 13th March 2016.

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