12 December 2016

Christmas at The Dock

This December, The Dock is your food location for all things Christmas. Starting from the 8th December, we'll be serving up Christmas lunches on the following days:
  • Thursday 8th December
  • Tuesday 13th December 
  • Thursday 15th December
  • Friday 16th December
It will cost just £4.95 or £5.95 with a pudding and the food available will be as follows:

Christmas Carvery Lunch
Price - £4.95 or £5.95 with a pudding
Turkey and or Gammon served with a selection of traditional trimmings

Vegetarian Christmas Lunch
Price - £4.25 or £5.25 with a pudding
Cheddar Roast (sage & onion vegetables cooked with onions and carrots with cheddar cheese wrapped in puff pastry) Served with traditional trimmings

Christmas Pudding with brandy sauce
Mince pie and cream

Also on the 16th December, The Dock will be taking part in National Christmas Jumper Day and they will be raising money for Save the Children. The Dock's text to donate code is TEAMDOCK and by texting 70050, you and everyone you know can donate £2 to Save the Children where they'll receive 100% of the donation. (You'll be billed £2 plus standard rate text message). 

We'll also be having 7 Days of Elfmas! We like to have a bit of fun at The Dock and we'll be counting down to Christmas Jumper Day with Arthur the Elf! On the final day of Elfmas they'll be something fun to win so keep a look out on our Twitter page, @eatsolent

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